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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blogging a little early today.  A quot of mine on cruisecritic.com was partially posted on Fatsecret.com,  aimed at changing the context of my message.

Here is the whole quot and the link. 
"With my cruise less than a month away, on June 1st I started a crash diet.
My goal is to lose 25 pounds in that 30 days before my cruise. Not sure how successful I will be, but whatever I lose I will be happy with."

For easy reference it is the 13 response on this thread.

Everyone seems to be freaked out over calories.  Here are some facts that are not being considered my body has plenty of adipose for fuel, my protein in take is close to or on target for what post bariatric patients are instructed to have.  I am lightly exercising a few times a week and my blood glucose is consistently 78-82 normal.  AdvantEDGE has nutrients and I am taking daily vitamin, I am also in ketosis, a sign that fat is being used and broken down for fuel.  (Please don't confuse Ketosis with Diabetic Ketosis). 

I also understand the the argument of slowing my metabolism, but that is not life threatening as some have expressed.  What I have noticed, some people are caring, some are rued, and some only want to give partial information, and none have given their credentials for their advice.

June 9th
Day nine
Weight = 218.5#
AdvantEdge's =3
Water = 50 oz
Walking = 0
Net carbs = 6
Total Protein = 51g
Calorie intake = 330
Weight loss today = 0.5#
Total loss = 9.5#


  1. You will be fine. Pay no attention to nay-sayers....they have nothing better to do if they aren't doing anything but putting you down.

    Five hundred calories isn't sustainable, but you never indicated you were planning to do this more than a month. Bariatric patients subsist on 500 calories a day for long periods of time - that's the whole point of the surgery!

    Keep it up, but oh, one thing I meant to mention a couple of days ago: sausage and other salty foods that cause water retention have absolutely NOTHING to do with losing weight. Because you don't really care about losing "weight," you care about losing FAT. Right? The water retention will go away, and you have unnecessarily banished a good food from your menu :-)

    Just a suggestion....

  2. Because you don't really care about losing "weight," you care about losing FAT. Right? The water retention will go away, and you have unnecessarily banished a good food from your menu :-)

    Thank you gharkness, and your right!

  3. I think what people don't realize when they crash diet is that when you are finished (especially if you're headed to a cruise) you WILL binge. It isn't something you'll be able to stop. Imagine you tried to stop breathing. When you finally come up for air (which your body needs to survive, just like food) you will gasp it in so you can replace all that is missing. The same is with food. The body's hunger response will always beat out your willpower in the end. Of course it's up to you what you want to do- but you have to realize on some level that it's pretty stupid to starve off a few pounds just for the heck of it. You may want to talk to a therapist- people with healthy relationships with food and their bodies don't have any desire to starve like this.

  4. Binging is not an option for me, I have a lap band, even without a fill in over three years there is still only so much food I can eat at one time without throwing up. I suspect once I stop this liquid diet the scale will increase a few pounds due to water retention from sodium intake. I plane to continue with low carbs, high protein and vegetables. As I have said before I'm not starving my body, my protein intake is near or on target for post op patients.

  5. You lost water. You WILL lose lean muscle mass and you probably will lose some fat. But you will do it at the expense of your health because you are not eating enough calories. Your metabolism, regardless of whether you are in ketosis or not will store the energy instead of expending it. Good luck resetting your metabolism after you are off this diet.

    BTW, there are plenty of lap-band patients on Atkins eating 1500 or more calories per day. You just eat more often. Of course, there are also those who decided not to do the surgury and actual lost 100s of pounds without risking their life with surgury.
